Rob Wolf, CFO NXC Imaging

Rob Wolf, CFO NXC Imaging

As CFO of NXC Imaging, Rob’s trusted 30-year career reputation of leading with integrity, class, and strategic expertise has served him well. He is deliberate in pursuing creative solutions and this conviction has proven valuable, especially while navigating a global pandemic and its effect on business. During COVID, his perspective and persistence has not wavered. Rob’s intentional approach, focus, and managerial strategy to lead through challenges made Scouts Talent curious to learn more…

Have there been any silver linings for your business as result of COVID?

The most significant silver lining for our business as a result of COVID has been the tremendous pressure it has placed on each individual to think differently. Change is never easy but absolutely necessary, especially given the unique challenges the COVID environment introduced. Whether it’s remote work cadence, management techniques or navigating our personal/work lives – most of us have had to reinvent ourselves. These changes have definitely trickled down into everyday operations creating opportunities to be more efficient that otherwise may have never happened.

If you could try a different job for a day, what would you choose?

I would really appreciate teaching at the college level. I’ve learned a lot during my 30-year career and would enjoy offering the students real-life experiences in addition to their classroom curriculum.

What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?

First, identify a company with an atmosphere that is to your liking. You have to find a place that people appreciate the work you are doing, which further drives the passion for your job. Learn as much as you can about the business environment. Maintain a strong network of peers within and outside your industry.

What is your mantra?

Always feel free to run a problem by me but come prepared with one or two suggested solutions as well.

How do you get yourself out of a slump?

Talking things over with my family or people in my network. Early in my career, I found myself internalizing issues way too much. Just having someone listen while I vent has proven to be extremely helpful.

What companies or leaders do you admire?

I admire the work done by non-profits and their leaders. I was fortunate to be asked to join the board of a non-profit. I sensed the passion of the board and executive team members while attending my first board meeting. Every major decision was first based on whether it fit into the mission of the organization. This is sometimes missed in for-profit organizations.

What has been the biggest shift you’ve noticed in your industry in the last decade?

I’m going to speak to the accounting and finance profession. The biggest/most impactful shift in the accounting and finance field over the past decade has been the increasing acceptance of us being key strategic business partners within organizations. Our ability to communicate the story behind the numbers so business leaders can make better informed decisions is key to facilitating this trend.

Who has been most instrumental in your career?

Bernie Aldrich. Bernie was my first boss after leaving public accounting for the corporate world. He took a chance on me (even after a rough first interview). He taught me the importance of daily cash management – always knowing the company’s cash balance. He would even test me by asking what our cash balance was on any given day. He also taught me the importance of networking and always giving back. Bernie and I both went through a steep learning curve operating a public company, as we were both new to this structure. These experiences really helped shape me during my career.

What is your go-to celebration meal, drink, or tradition?

An old fashioned and a juicy steak with family and friends!


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