Lynn Bemis, CFO SeaChange Print Innovations

Lynn Bemis, CFO SeaChange Print Innovations

Lynn Bemis, CFO of SeaChange Print Innovations, has spent her career learning and listening to others. She values her peers and their unique perspectives. She’s known for her creative, collaborative, problem-solving skills and is driven to perfect the processes while also developing the key leaders around the table. Her drive to make the impossible happen made Scouts Talent curious to learn more….

If you could try a different job for a day, what would you choose?

Owning a clothing boutique! It would allow me to indulge my love for meeting new friends and shopping.

What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?

Network, network, network! I’ve learned so much over the years from colleagues especially as it relates to current business challenges, leadership advice, potential solutions, and balancing career and home. I’m always grateful how willing others are to share what has helped make them successful!

What is your mantra?

Anything is possible! Sometimes you just need to change your perspective to see the possibility.

How do you get yourself out of a slump?

I work out (strength training at the gym, riding bike or taking a long walk outside). My work out is scheduled into my week because it makes such a difference! The positive effect it has on my mindset is the main reason I’m committed to it. It’s true, a great workout really does boost endorphins!

What companies or leaders do you admire?

The leaders I’ve admired most over the years are those who have a great deal of humility – they listen more than talk, they ask more than tell. They genuinely respect the thoughts and opinions of their team members. In doing so, they make sure all voices are heard and value diversity of opinion.

What has been the biggest shift you’ve noticed in your industry in the last decade?

Meeting customer and client expectations, the speed to process and deliver, and the visibility of jobs and orders. The Amazon effect has impacted everyone’s expectation and not just in the retail industry! This requires strong technology platforms and integrated systems.

Who has been most instrumental in your career?

My wonderful family who has supported me and encouraged me to pursue what I love to do as well as my high school accounting teacher, Mr. Reetz, who told me, “I think you might be good at this.”

What is your go-to celebration meal, drink, or tradition?

We always celebrate with a meal out because I’m a foodie and I’m always in search of great new places to try! I especially enjoy the farm to table restaurants who are supporting our local farms.


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