Jamie Loch, EVP, CFO & Treasurer Digi International

Jamie Loch, EVP, CFO & Treasurer Digi International

Jamie Loch’s career path has been great preparation for his current role as EVP, CFO and Treasurer of Digi International and the complex IoT business that keeps us all connected. His strategic mindset serves him well in leadership for this fast-paced company with a global footprint. From overseeing systems and teams to acquisitions, he aligns goals and drives impressive growth. Jamie’s get-it-done reputation made Scouts Talent curious to learn more…

If you could try a different job for a day, what would you choose?

I would love to be grounds crew for a baseball stadium. I would enjoy the time and effort, the deadline to perform, and working as a team to finish a product that offers immediate feedback and pride.

What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?

Have patience. I often see people who have strong career plans that want to see moves happen faster and faster, which can bring about challenges they might not be ready for, creating long-term problems. Each role you take on will bring more opportunities to learn. I have never had a job where I learned everything there was to learn. If you feel that way, look to your left and right and ask yourself if you know what those folks are doing. If you don’t, you have more to learn. I also have never worked for a manager that is a mind-reader. I shouldn’t expect them to know when I am happy, frustrated or wanting more. Finally, invest in relationships. The relationships you invest in are the relationships you will get the most out of – in and outside of work.

What is your mantra?

I believe in TEAM and FUN. As a leader, surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, who have higher ceilings than you do, and do what you can to create success for them. Ensure your leader always has what they need for their success and have passion around making your leader successful. Recognize that we all need each other for success. While you are doing it, have fun, stay relaxed, enjoy each other, and be part of an environment where it is ok to laugh and engage in discussion that isn’t just shop talk.

How do you get yourself out of a slump?

By taking a breath and just pausing. Sometimes it’s just a quick walk around the building, turning the music up a little louder during a workout, or shutting my eyes and centering. When I pause, I realize that there isn’t a moment that is too big. I have either been here before, or I have the network that brings the advice and counsel I need. I remind myself that I am here for a reason and the sun will come up the next morning. I find it valuable to focus on the things in life that matter to me that are outside of work and realize that if this is the biggest obstacle I will face over the course of the year – it will have been a really good year. In baseball, we know as the game starts that someone is going to strike out. It would be great if we knew who it would be and what inning it would happen because it would be much easier to plan for. However, it doesn’t work out that way. So, we must understand there will be a failure, mistake, and it will try to pull us down. Take a breath and realize, there will be another at bat.

What companies or leaders do you admire?

I admire leaders that put people first. They listen, engage, and create relationships. They are never too big to provide coaching and guidance, to celebrate your success, and collaborate on your areas of improvement. They strive to be better each day, while continuing to be fun. People like Ron Konezny (Digi), Joe Puishys (SitelogIQ), John Stauch (Pentair), Rich Buchholz (Inspire) and Frank Tsamoutales (Tsamoutales Strategies), have created incredible organizations, environments, and people-first objectives that make them easy to follow. I have been fortunate to work for some really great people. Great companies take on the personality of their leaders. Those are companies I admire.

Who has been most instrumental in your career?

I don’t know if I can only name one. Without the formality, I have a personal Board of Advisors that I rely on. Family, friends, peers, and leaders play a role in shaping me as a person, offering advice, guidance, and feedback. I grew up wanting to be in finance due to my Godfather, Steve Blattner. My wonderful parents and siblings have supported me and kept me centered too. I have great friends who are quick to celebrate or pick me up. I have also appreciated my professional peers and leaders that have time for a lunch, call, or a drink. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by so many fantastic people. They have all been instrumental in my life and career.

What has been the biggest shift you’ve noticed in your industry in the last decade?

In finance, training has fallen largely on employees and leaders to navigate on their own, while at the same time there has been a propensity to wait for someone to train and guide you. In a world of doing more with less, that squeezes out room for self-focus and improvement. We are each responsible for our own careers. Don’t leave it to your manager to read your mind. When it is all said and done, only one person looks at you in the mirror each night, so start by being true to that person, and take control of your learning and growth. In the Industrial IoT space, we live in a world where a combination of touchless, automated work is more important than ever. Combined with a tightening labor market and demand for IoT solutions has never been higher. We all need to challenge ourselves to take repeatable work off of an individual’s plate and let smart automation take over those tasks. Enable our people to leverage their skills that bring qualitative analysis and dialogue to the forefront of solving issues.

What is your go-to celebration meal, drink, or tradition?

Well, anything that involves Vodka is good, but I am not sure there is necessarily a go-to meal or drink. The go-to for me are the people that surround me while enjoying a drink or meal. Laughs, good company, and camaraderie whether that is at a restaurant, an event, or on someone’s deck is the way to go.


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